Dr. Aron Huckaba
Aron received a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Murray State University in 2011 before starting PhD studies at The University of Mississippi. There, he practiced organic and organometallic chemistry under the supervision of Prof. T. Keith Hollis and Prof. Jared Delcamp. Directly after finishing his graduate studies, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne under the supervision of Prof. M. K. Nazeeruddin, where he practiced material design for organic light emitting diodes and perovskite solar cells.
From January 2020: Aron began leading an independent research group focusing on organic materials and organic chemistry research.

Research Topics
Awards and Funding
Medaille D’or de la Salon International Des Inventions: Genéve (2018)
Outstanding Researcher Award (2017)
Honors Diploma (2011)
Most Outstanding Chemistry Major (2011)
Robertah Whitney Scholarship for Achievement (2009)
Departmental Study Abroad Scholarship (2009)
Assistant Professor:
Eppley Foundation (2023)
National Labs Access Requests:
Molecular Foundry (in Collaboration with SunChem)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2x in Fall 2022)
Symposia Organized:
2023 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting Symposium Organizer
Post-Doctoral Funding:
Ambizione Fellowship (Declined)
US Army CERDEC Division, 2017-2019
APOLO H2020 Project (European Research Council) 2018-2019
Toyota Motors Company 2017-2019